Yoga Fashion

MATTINGArtikelnummer: 381981

Rea pris2 059 kr
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Yoga Fashion is a workplace mat specially designed to fit into public environments. The stylish textile surface provides a carpet that easily blends into offices, receptions and at cash desks. The surface layer is made of PET, which gives a very durable and dirt-resistant surface that is easy to keep clean. The underside consists of soft and resilient nitrile rubber.

Technical facts
Properties: Very soft, cushioning, relieving. Antistatic, see ESD below.
Material: Textile surface layer in PET, underside of foamed nitrile rubber.
Thickness: 16 mm
Size: 85x58cm
Fire classification: DOC -FF-1-70 (Pill test)
Environment: Office environment, public environment, shop, bank, office, reception counters.
Care: Sweep, vacuum, wash off with a mild detergent.
Colors: Gray and black.
ESD: Anti-static mats / ESD mats are made to quickly conduct static electricity away from people, reducing the risk of damage to static-sensitive equipment. We have carpets that dissipate static electricity according to the following three classes, where class 1 is the fastest dissipative; 1 Electrically conductive (conductive), 2 Statically dissipative, 3 Antistatic

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